quick apology for our readers on our absentee-ism >> ya girl has been REALLY busy, but enough of that...lets get down to the nitty gritty...shall we? well, if u guys were at the kanye concert you may/may not have recieved the little book that is "Thank You and You're Welcome" a short book of insights and commentaries by Mr. West himself and some person named J. Sakiya Sandifer. but this is NOT a book report....
so i read the little 6x6 book mainly because: one, the colors are pretty and two, i def have never taken anything kanye has ever said seriously [& was wondering if this was gonna be another one of those times]. but some of the points really did jump out at me...especially this missing banister theory. basically it reads..."When walking down the street, you can walk in one line perfectly without ever falling over. Now take that same city block, make it a foot wider and the put it a hundred stories high. You're going to be so focused on the fact that you don't have a banister, that you're more likely to fall because of it.
When you're so focused on what you don't have...you won't have!"
we all have times that the bad so extremely outweighs the good...that there seems to be no sunshine in sight. but it's how you react in those times [where your focus is] that can ultimately help you rise up. seems preachy....yes. BUT, there will be people in life that continue to focus on what they don't have...it's inevitable. but the people who CHOOSE to set their minds on higher ground are those that have the much greater chance of planting their feet on something solid. it is in our nature to feel defeated and mistreated, but the same confidence that you have in the good times, should be the same confidence with which you address and overcome the bad times.
Is it always easy to focus on our blessings? If a person has always focused on the missing banister...what are the chances they can change? Which type are you...?
til we blog again,