Tuesday, January 13, 2009

scaredy cat.

dear reader,
i am truly grateful that i get to start off a new year doing what i love most, writing and continuing this blog that i have grown to cherish so dearly. i get excited every time there's a new post. i look forward to hearing what you have to say about what we think. and most importantly, i hold on tightly to thekommonthread that bonds not only me and kells, but every person reading.

in a time when we as a society are learning to appreciate what we have, i suddenly feel like this is my time to shine. but there's just one problem.....i'm SCARED [out of my mind]. Take my poetry for example. I have been writing poetry since the tender age of.....well 7 to be exact. it has been my outlet of emotion and my method of self-exploration. but, i always hesitate to share it with other people. I've always wanted to go perform at an open mic night or even just let other people read my work, but for some reason....some selfish part of me refuses. i get nervous. maybe they won't like it. maybe ill forget the words. maybe no one relates. maybe i'll share with them the deepest part of me and they won't get it.

so my question to you is this: for those of you who can relate at all to what i'm going through...please share with me how to overcome this. God has blessed me with another year on this earth and i'd hate to waste any gift that He has given me.

til we blog again,


Anonymous said...

bosslady...i definately understand how yu feel && i struggle with the same thing. one piece of advice that i can give yu is to continue praying for strength...i know yu believe in yourself...but one thing yu can do is prove it to yourself that yu can overcome fear. fear is simply...false evidence appearing real. so work on not allowing something like that keep yu from doing something that youve always wanted to do.

Anonymous said...

i totally relate, its always hard to give the best part of you to someone or something, but it must be done. God didn't create you with a gift for you to be selfish. Once you actually put it all im his hands... it will flourish. SO TAKE A CHANCE LOL!!! Lets some one else experience you at your best...it will be worth it. Easier said that done i know, but so worth it.

J-Bigg said...

Obviously you have faith in your abilities. If you go into it fully without holding anything back without fear of being hurt you will gain the most reward. You just have to jump head first with conviction and if you put it in GOD's hands he'll take care of the rest. I know that sounds cliche, but what I've learned is just to do it. If people like it cool. If not, that's cool too. They are YOUR feelings and you don't have to conform to anyone else's ideals. Simple as that.

Anonymous said...

In all honesty we are not getting any younger. You have to just do it. There is no magic formula only just you doing it. Your creativity becomes a prison that you lock yourself in if you don’t release and share it with others. The only reason we have gifts and talents is to share it with others not to keep it ourselves. Open mic night is every Sunday at the Shadow Bar. Set goals and do them. What is the very worst that can happen and are you strong enough to deal with it if it does?

kellee kells said...

ive read ya stuff
now stop playing
& share it with the world!!!
that is all.

Darkness said...

Ill tell u off the bat, you will get nervous, some people wont like it, you might forget the words, some people won't relate, and some people won't get it. But on the flip side,you will get over being nervous, some people will like it, people only know what you say and not what u meant to say, there will always be someone who relates, and if they don't get it, explain. You'll be fine...

Anonymous said...

I understand the reason that u r afraid but u can't continue life this way because all your talents n gifts that u are withholding will keep burdening you until u make a move... All Im saying is stop procrastinating n get them buns shaken LOL. U r one of the most talented ppl I have ever known. one of the things I admire most abt u is that ur always up for a challenge. So share ur poetry with the world or at least the rest of ur friends then build up to sharing it with the world.

Peter said...

I love adele, I love your blog, I know how you feel, being a writer myself, however, fear is only a state of mind; a sick crippling state of mind, someone out there will get it; whatever the message you are trying to relay is. However, I doubt your fears are limited to just your poetry or just this blog. Life itself is frightening, I get so scared when I write, I try to escape from everything around me; the doubt, the hate, the feeling of being caged, the pressure to become something I have no intention of becoming, I try to paint a picture, but not just a picture, an emotion, a feeling that my readers can immerse themselves in and say "wow." Just doing it makes my life worth while, I have nothing else to be honest. Frankly you know how I feel about religion, but there has to be someone up there because meeting you and the girls has been the turning point of my short life, lol, its amazing how in such a swift move I realized what I wanted to become, I never had friends who kept me up early in the morning thinking about what a woman wants, lol. Its really amazing; you, your blog, the girls, women, my life would be aimless if I didn't have my ability to think or my ability to write. I guess you just have to ask yourself how your life would be if you didn't have your poetry, your friends, or this blog.

bo$$lady said...

if it weren't for ppl like you guys, friendship would be meaningless. i appreciate all of your comments and insights into the issue. i am truly grateful that God has given me this gift and i have always fully intended to share it with others. i guess the only thing i was really battling was myself.....

in the past, fear has not allowed me to move forward. but i have learned through the past year and through you guys that through a great support system [DUH YOU!], talent, and a love/passion for what you do...fear is not an option.

plz continue to read our blog...we pour our passion, hearts, and undeniable MOB mentality into every single entry.

Anonymous said...

Hmm... I'm new to this blog and apparently late to this entry lol, but I ABSOLUTELY know where you're coming from as a fellow writer and poet.

It is important to understand that first and foremost, you write the stories that God feels you need to tell. There will always be some people who get the message and some who don't. I would actually definitely encourage you to go to an open mic poetry night, probably (if you are still in school) one hosted on campus or by students; student hosted poetry nights are usually EXTREMELY SUPPORTIVE, so if you forget a line or feel a need to say "excuse me" mid-poem, they'll encourage you and certainly don't boo you off-stage.

Your fear and nervousness are both very common emotions to have. I feel like that too when I'm reading on stage or when I post on facebook lol. Because the hardest part of being a good poet (which I assume you are, BossLady) is realizing that you're exposing a part of yourself, a part of your soul, when you're reading. Some people don't want that exposure... but I promise you, however you choose to express yourself (whether by reading aloud or letting others read your work for themselves), someone needs to hear what you have written. And bump the folk who don't get it lol; the only ones who matter are the ones who say, "Good job" or give you your snaps at the end.

Anonymous said...


I tell you time after time, that I see a GREAT light in you. If anything I believe that people can learn from you, and pull knowledge from that brain of yours, so YES you are being selfish, share the wealth fam, save a life or two. The ONLY and BEST advice to give is...JUST DO IT! Nothing more nothing less, theres no how to guide on how to overcome this, you have everything right in front of you, lets not make this harder doll...PRAY.DO YOU.EXCEL....and after its all said and done, and you finally JUST DO IT! You will feel that much GREATER, therefore nothing shall stop you, but you.

"small thing to a giant, I shall overcome this"- T.I.

"my only competition is my reflection in the mirror"- DC

K.Tru said...

be like nike sweetie just do it.. its like driving... you can read all the books and watch all the videos you feel necessary but you never really learn til you get behind the wheel..life is too short to not take control of the streeing..love you much bosslady... and hope to see you soon on the shadow bar stage on sudays lol... i also wanted to invite you to visit our blog as well comment, show love all that good stuff...... http://www.tru-and-nice.blogspot.com
see ya there diva!


Anonymous said...

New Year, New Revelations, but think of it on a higher level. Think of everything beautiful that has been silenced out of fear, what greatness turned into regretful admiration and the creation of legacies long overdue. We don't have many people in our generation to look up to so naturally we look most often to those who came before us; knowing that despite them being products of their generation (drugs, sex, music and its persistence against any trinity of any other kind)they captivated the world with what time they spent here. All we can hope for at best is to drag what wretched lessons we have to learn in such dismal timesinto our own expressions of them, in order to shine a bit of light amongst the shadows that our generation endures. What I'm saying is that with gifts comes responsibilities and the theory points toward God's continuos raising of talented individuals, but the question is, why are there so many and why do the follow through the generations like prophets rising one after another? Because the truth is that most of these individuals will make the choice not to step out and shine as they should, or will never recognize that regardless of how talented they believe they are, their light will always have to stay plugged to a source (God: if electricity has to be harnessed to be controlled and for it to work properly, why not mankind in the same light? there are no coincidences!)Anyway, we're here for you, but stepping out and being a light among shadows (those who you may believe are better than you or may be more successful)is a choice all your own. Fear: (False. Eveidence. Appearing.Real.) Salaam.